Friday, May 1, 2009


What ticks me off, when people pull out in front of you, burn rubber doing it, and then drive 5 mph!!!!


  1. humm... what ticks me off is when a no drivers licencing teenager says: quote: I'm gonna need for you to pick me up from my date!!! First of all, how did you get there? (my friend) why can't he bring you home? (car to small) lol!
    and come to find out they had to pay there way in! Her date did'nt have no money!!!!
    Just venting! Ticks me off.

  2. Ok... This is sooo my BIGGEST pet peeve. Or, what about the idiots who get on the freeway where we merge but wont speed up so everyone has to slam their brakes? Am I the only one that feels in order to make a smoothe transition from the on ramp to the freeway picking up alittle speed is imperative?
